
New Vision Eye Clinic formerly Rui Jin Eye Center is a symbol for the preservation and enhancement of precious eye sight, created by New Vision Holdings LLC, USA in 1996. New Vision Eye Clinic is dedicated to provide the most current and comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services in ophthalmology. New Vision Eye Clinic treats patients in an attentive private practice environment. With over 2,000 square-meters clinical space the clinic is conveniently located in the central district of Shanghai. Our facility is designed to meet the international clinic practice standards, at meantime customized for patient comfort.
上海瑞视眼科门诊部, 是已有12年历史的前瑞金医院眼科中心的延续和新拓展,也是瑞金医院国际合作所建立的综合性眼科医疗机构。它通过引进国际领先德经营理念盒医疗管理模式,为广大国内外眼病患者提供最先进的诊疗手段和舒适的就诊环境。诊所现位于瑞金医院门诊12楼,总诊疗场地面积达2000多平米,并拥有达到国际标准的空气净化手术室及各类国际一流眼科检查治疗设备。由于诊所在中国眼科医疗业务进一步拓展的需要,欢迎有志者来加入我们的事业共同发展。